Restaurants & Food Service

The food industry presents risks as unique as your restaurant. From food spoilage to business interruption and property damage, our coverage helps keep your business operating when losses occur. Whether you own a fast-food franchise, cafe, or fine-dining establishment, you can tailor your coverage to ensure your risks are covered. We all agree, fewer losses are better. Our loss control professionals are here to help you minimize your risks. 

Coverages to Consider

  • Columbia Safeguard Businessowners
    We created our Columbia Safeguard Businessowners coverage specifically for small- and medium-sized businesses. Our comprehensive policy allows you to customize coverage to fit your needs for one affordable price.
  • Commercial Auto
    Provides property, liability and medical coverage for cars, trucks or SUVs owned or leased by your business.
  • Cyber Suite
    Our comprehensive coverage offers multiple layers of insurance defense against the ever-evolving cyber risks that businesses face every day.
  • Employee Practices Liability Insurance
    Businesses of all sizes can be sued for a variety of reasons such as discrimination, sexual harassment and wrongful termination. Our EPLI coverage gives you the protection you need.
  • Equipment Breakdown Coverage
    When a mechanical, electrical or pressure system equipment breakdown occurs, it can lead to lost revenue or even business failure. This critical coverage is included at no additional cost to you!
  • Liability
    With our protection and unparalleled services, you can rest assured your liability risks are covered.
  • Property
    Our comprehensive property coverage will make sure your place of business and business personal property is covered. 
  • Restaurant Premier Endorsement
    Our Businessowners Premier Endorsement for Restaurants extends coverage limits and provides additional coverage for risks specific to you, all for a low premium. Some of these coverages include: fine arts, aquarium coverage, restaurant wine & liquor collection, and business interruption due to food contamination. 
  • Umbrella
    Add on this important coverage to cover any liability losses over your policy limits!
  • Workers Compensation
    Injuries can happen, even in the most careful environment. We'll help you reduce the risk of accidents and injuries at work while making sure you're covered when they do occur.

Why Columbia Insurance?

  • With a 98% Claims Satisfaction rating, we've proven that when you need us, we are there to settle your claim quickly and fairly.
  • Your business is our business. Our coverages are coupled with professional loss control resources to help you reduce losses and increase your profitability. 
  • We're here for the long haul. Our history and A- A.M. Best Rating highlight our financial strength.